Israel is not a democratic country

A letter to the Sheffield Star and Telegraph Dear Editor Politicians and journalists who refer to Israel as a democracy are wrong. Actually, Israel is one of the most undemocratic countries in the world and uses a system of Apartheid. Jason Hickel explained this and I have summarised his argument. In South African apartheid, AfricansContinue reading “Israel is not a democratic country”

Nakba “The Catastrophe”: the roots of the current genocide in Gaza.

Sheffield Palestine Coalition against Israeli Apartheid have sent me the following. Wednesday 15th May is AL-NAKBA DAY.  This day marks the time in 1948 when 750,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes and villages by the Haganah [armed Zionist groups], and into tents in refugee camps in Gaza, in the West Bank and in nearbyContinue reading “Nakba “The Catastrophe”: the roots of the current genocide in Gaza.”

Palestine and the Local Elections

 Sheffield Coalition against Israeli Apartheid are very disappointed with the Council’s response to their petition.  On Wednesday 6th March the Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid presented a petition signed by over 7,500 Sheffield citizens at a full council meeting. They called on the Council to: On the day the Council refused to debate theContinue reading “Palestine and the Local Elections”

Palestinian Prisoners must be released

We hear a great deal about the Israelis taken captive on October 7th, the need to release them and bring them home safely, the distress of their families – all of which are legitimate concerns, and we want them to be released.

However, we hear next to nothing about the 8100+ Palestinians taken as captives by Israel in the West Bank since 7th October. Nor do we hear about the hundreds recently taken captive from Gaza.

Long before October 7th, thousands of Palestinians were captured by Israel and imprisoned, many without trial or charge, for years on end.

Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!

The Palestine Rally in Sheffield on Saturday covered lots of ground. Here in the home of Football is was fitting that we had a speech from Sarah Choonera about the links between Palestine and Football. Sorry about the picture quality. my camera developed a fault. Here are the links mentioned in the video. You canContinue reading “Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!”

Palestine Land Day in Sheffield

Videos from the March on Palestine Land Day from Sheffield Amphitheatre to Sheffield City Hall, 23rd March 2024

Workplace Day of Action for Gaza, February 7th

by Jon Cowley For 8 days at the start of January two Palestinian women camped outside the Town Hall. Lena Mussa and Sahar Awadallah were supported by many hundreds of Sheffield people – who came to visit or stay with them throughout the day and night. One of the demands made by the two womenContinue reading “Workplace Day of Action for Gaza, February 7th”

Israel is a terror state

A letter to the Sheffield Star Cyril Olsen doesn’t believe Israel is a terrorist state (Star 11/11/23) and justifies this because they have a democracy. Being a democracy does not entitle Israel to carry out war crimes. I am currently watching Al Jezera (the BBC is consistently failing to report the full horrors of theContinue reading “Israel is a terror state”

Sheffield Councillors call for Ceasefire

There was another passionate and emotional rally yesterday outside the Town Hall to demand Councillors call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Inside the Councillors debated the Green Party motion calling for a ceasefire, an end to arms sales to Israel and criticised Keir Starmer for backing the collective punishment of the people of Gaza. TheContinue reading “Sheffield Councillors call for Ceasefire”

The Gaza Strip is a little bigger than Barnsley but has a population equivalent to the whole of West Yorkshire.

Cyril Olsen claims I am not telling the whole truth about the genocide in Palestine because I didn’t include a history lesson in my letter. There is a limit to what you can write in 300 words! I won’t have room to reply to all his points so I will concentrate on one, which isContinue reading “The Gaza Strip is a little bigger than Barnsley but has a population equivalent to the whole of West Yorkshire.”