The immigration system is hostile by design

As floods hit Brazil, Afghanistan and Kenya, Sheffielders call for an end to the hostile immigration system and the cruel threats of deportation to Rwanda,

The Coat of Hopes is on its way to Sheffield

Last Saturday I spoke at the Act Now Conference in Acomb, York. ACT Now! for a Better World explored how individuals and churches can work together to create a brighter, greener future. The workshops looked at the range of actions we can take at a local and national level, from effective campaigning to going vegan,Continue reading “The Coat of Hopes is on its way to Sheffield”

Landmark decision in the Royal Court of Justice finds in favour of Trudi Warner

Sheffield Defend Our Juries are celebrating following the High Court decision on Monday to dismiss the application of Robert Courts MP, the Solicitor General, to imprison Trudi Warner, a 69-year-old retired social worker. She held a sign outside Inner London Crown Court in March 2023 saying “that a jury has the right to acquit a defendant as a matter of conscience, whatever the directions of the judge” and coincided with the prosecution of a group of people for taking direct action to tackle climate breakdown and fuel poverty.

Residents demand Safe Streets in Park Hill and Walkley

This was a fun family-friendly dual protest to demand pedestrian lights at the traffic lights at Duke Street crossing, safe streets in Walkley and Safe Streets everywhere! See for more details. Here are some photos from the Walkley protest thanks to Jeremy Abraham’s. The video includes the Zebra bravely crossing the roads (but doesn’tContinue reading “Residents demand Safe Streets in Park Hill and Walkley”

Sheffield stands Together for Safe Streets

Press Release from Sheffield Safe Streets Now • Campaigners gather at Park Hill and Walkley on Saturday, April 20 to participate in a national call for safer streets • “We are gathering to demand safe streets at notorious junctions where the failure to provide adequate crossings or design safe street layouts is putting people atContinue reading “Sheffield stands Together for Safe Streets”

14 local residents defend historic role of juries outside Sheffield Crown Court

This morning, 16.04.2024 at 8:45am a group of Sheffield residents sat outside Sheffield Crown Court holding signs with the words “The right of juries to give their verdict according to their convictions” 

Joining hundreds of others around England and Wales as part of the Defend Our Juries National Week of Action, April 13th – 21st, where every crown court in England & Wales will be visited by people to remind jurors that they have the right to acquit a defendant based on their conscience, irrespective of the directions of the judge.

Their signs display the centuries-old principle of ‘jury equity’, i.e. the right of all jurors in British courtrooms to acquit a defendant according to their conscience and irrespective of the directions of the judge. Famously, in 1984, a jury acquitted the civil servant, Clive Ponting, on this principle after he exposed government misinformation to the public and Parliament concerning the ‘Falklands War’

Safe Streets Now! Join us in Walkley and Park Hill this Saturday.

Every week in the Sheffield Telegraph it’s a sure bet that there will be various stories about car crashes. Each crash means misery for the people involved, more expense for the NHS, delays for other travellers and at its worst life-changing injuries or death. Across the UK, someone is killed or seriously injured on our roads every 16 minutes.

Palestinian Prisoners must be released

We hear a great deal about the Israelis taken captive on October 7th, the need to release them and bring them home safely, the distress of their families – all of which are legitimate concerns, and we want them to be released.

However, we hear next to nothing about the 8100+ Palestinians taken as captives by Israel in the West Bank since 7th October. Nor do we hear about the hundreds recently taken captive from Gaza.

Long before October 7th, thousands of Palestinians were captured by Israel and imprisoned, many without trial or charge, for years on end.

Sheffield Council debate Palestine but defer decision to Resources Committee.

You can see full details of the Council Meeting and the Webcast here. The petition, which attracted over 7500 signatures in just two weeks is here. To cut a long story short, after many moving speeches the Lord Mayor declared that they couldn’t vote on the motion for legal reasons. These reasons were not madeContinue reading “Sheffield Council debate Palestine but defer decision to Resources Committee.”

Everything is linked to everything; the backstory to your mobile phone battery.

A guest blog by Karine Nohr This column has previously written about the links between Sheffield  Environmentalists and Congolese Environmentalists. This relationship started in 2021 when the UK hosted the annual global environmental COP meeting. Because the Congolese contributors were denied visas to attend the COP, some Sheffielders platformed their perspective for them, and haveContinue reading “Everything is linked to everything; the backstory to your mobile phone battery.”