I’m an adman’s nightmare! 

I was very pleased by Sheffield City Council’s recent decision on advertising. Last Monday the Finance Committee agreed to a ban on ads for junk food, sugary drinks, petrol cars, flights, alcohol, gambling and vaping. Sheffield has gone further than other cities like Bristol and Norwich as they have also banned high-carbon car and flight advertising. 

Everything is linked to everything; the backstory to your mobile phone battery.

A guest blog by Karine Nohr This column has previously written about the links between Sheffield  Environmentalists and Congolese Environmentalists. This relationship started in 2021 when the UK hosted the annual global environmental COP meeting. Because the Congolese contributors were denied visas to attend the COP, some Sheffielders platformed their perspective for them, and haveContinue reading “Everything is linked to everything; the backstory to your mobile phone battery.”

Progress on Climate Action at Sheffield Council

Following my article on the Work Place Parking Levy, I was very pleased to see that the Green Party motion (though amended) on climate action was passed by Full Council last week. This means the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Committee will consider a workplace parking levy. It could leverage funding for active and public transportContinue reading “Progress on Climate Action at Sheffield Council”

Everyone deserves to live in a warm home

A guest blog by Lindy Stone, Coordinator of Sheffield Friends of the Earth. For most of us, our lives have become much more comfortable over the past few decades and we had become quite profligate with our energy use – until the current crisis pulled us up short. With sky-high energy bills a reality forContinue reading “Everyone deserves to live in a warm home”

How should we be growing food to help create a healthier future?

  A guest blog by Karine Nohr. For her birthday present, my 7-year-old granddaughter asked me for some gardening tools. I was completely chuffed by this because learning to grow your own food is such a major life skill and one that I believe will become increasingly necessary in the very near future. And beingContinue reading “How should we be growing food to help create a healthier future?”

A quarter of all the work we do is to make extremely rich people even richer.

As many more trade unions consider strike action it is worth stepping back and thinking about our economy. Inflation is already at 9% and the Bank of England are expecting it to rise to 13%. This is probably an underestimate. For the poorest, who spend a much greater proportion of their income on fuel andContinue reading “A quarter of all the work we do is to make extremely rich people even richer.”