Sheffield protests as Israel rejects ceasefire and bombs fall on Rafah.

And at Downing Street

Nakba “The Catastrophe”: the roots of the current genocide in Gaza.

Sheffield Palestine Coalition against Israeli Apartheid have sent me the following. Wednesday 15th May is AL-NAKBA DAY.  This day marks the time in 1948 when 750,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes and villages by the Haganah [armed Zionist groups], and into tents in refugee camps in Gaza, in the West Bank and in nearbyContinue reading “Nakba “The Catastrophe”: the roots of the current genocide in Gaza.”

Palestine and the Local Elections

 Sheffield Coalition against Israeli Apartheid are very disappointed with the Council’s response to their petition.  On Wednesday 6th March the Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid presented a petition signed by over 7,500 Sheffield citizens at a full council meeting. They called on the Council to: On the day the Council refused to debate theContinue reading “Palestine and the Local Elections”

Sheffield University and Britain are complicit in genocide by developing and selling arms to Israel

March and Rally this Saturday, April 20th, at 11.00am from Mount Pleasant Park Press Release from the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid The Israeli government’s recent attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria, and Iran’s retaliation, have pushed the Middle East to the brink of regional conflict. But the origin of this conflict lies inContinue reading “Sheffield University and Britain are complicit in genocide by developing and selling arms to Israel”

Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!

The Palestine Rally in Sheffield on Saturday covered lots of ground. Here in the home of Football is was fitting that we had a speech from Sarah Choonera about the links between Palestine and Football. Sorry about the picture quality. my camera developed a fault. Here are the links mentioned in the video. You canContinue reading “Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!”

Palestine Land Day in Sheffield

Videos from the March on Palestine Land Day from Sheffield Amphitheatre to Sheffield City Hall, 23rd March 2024

The sound of the fighter jet flypast took me back to Gaza.

Last night I went to Christchurch Pitsmoor for a fantastic evening of song with the Tadhamon Singers and wonderful Palestinian food, to raise funds for humanitarian relief in Palestine. As well as the fantastic singing, the evening concluded with this speech. My name is Qasem Fara and I am a proud Palestinian. A few peopleContinue reading “The sound of the fighter jet flypast took me back to Gaza.”

Workplace Day of Action for Gaza, February 7th

by Jon Cowley For 8 days at the start of January two Palestinian women camped outside the Town Hall. Lena Mussa and Sahar Awadallah were supported by many hundreds of Sheffield people – who came to visit or stay with them throughout the day and night. One of the demands made by the two womenContinue reading “Workplace Day of Action for Gaza, February 7th”

“If we wash our hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless we side with the powerful- we don’t remain neutral.”

Ray Cundy claims to be neutral in the Israel/Palestine conflict. But being neutral means that by default you support the status quo. Does he support the eviction of Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank? The destruction of the olive trees that have been cared for for generations? The arrest and imprisonment without trialContinue reading ““If we wash our hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless we side with the powerful- we don’t remain neutral.””

Where is Dr Billings’s compassion?

Dr Alan Billings again defends the Israelis saying they are not carrying out Genocide (Star 2/12/23). He is right to point out that Genocide has a very clear definition. It is “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. The group areContinue reading “Where is Dr Billings’s compassion?”