Nakba “The Catastrophe”: the roots of the current genocide in Gaza.

Sheffield Palestine Coalition against Israeli Apartheid have sent me the following. Wednesday 15th May is AL-NAKBA DAY.  This day marks the time in 1948 when 750,000 Palestinians were driven out of their homes and villages by the Haganah [armed Zionist groups], and into tents in refugee camps in Gaza, in the West Bank and in nearbyContinue reading “Nakba “The Catastrophe”: the roots of the current genocide in Gaza.”

Sheffield University and Britain are complicit in genocide by developing and selling arms to Israel

March and Rally this Saturday, April 20th, at 11.00am from Mount Pleasant Park Press Release from the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid The Israeli government’s recent attack on the Iranian consulate in Syria, and Iran’s retaliation, have pushed the Middle East to the brink of regional conflict. But the origin of this conflict lies inContinue reading “Sheffield University and Britain are complicit in genocide by developing and selling arms to Israel”

Workplace Day of Action for Gaza, February 7th

by Jon Cowley For 8 days at the start of January two Palestinian women camped outside the Town Hall. Lena Mussa and Sahar Awadallah were supported by many hundreds of Sheffield people – who came to visit or stay with them throughout the day and night. One of the demands made by the two womenContinue reading “Workplace Day of Action for Gaza, February 7th”