Climate Emergency on Council Agenda

Sheffield City Council have published the agenda for its meeting at 2pm on 7th February, the 5th Anniversary of the declaration of the Climate Emergency. The meeting will begin with petitions and questions from the public. If you would like to ask a question concerning the Council’s response to the Emergency, please get in touchContinue reading “Climate Emergency on Council Agenda”

Five years since Sheffield declared a Climate Emergency, they still need to act like it.

Wednesday, February 7th will mark the 5th Anniversary of Sheffield declaring a Climate Emergency. Activists from many groups will be gathering for a rally outside at 1 pm and some will be going inside to urge the Council to do more to address the climate and nature emergencies.  I have been working with a groupContinue reading “Five years since Sheffield declared a Climate Emergency, they still need to act like it.”

Five years since declaring a Climate Emergency, how are Sheffield City Council doing?

I have recently been working with a group of climate activists from various organisations to ask questions of Sheffield City Council to see how they are progressing in the aim to reach Net Zero emissions by 2030. The group included Graham Wroe  Tell the Truth Sheffield Ci Davis Jubilee Movement Sheffield Sam Wakeling Walkley LivingContinue reading “Five years since declaring a Climate Emergency, how are Sheffield City Council doing?”

COP26 was a failure, but we must never give up.

COP26, the most important meeting in human history, has failed abysmally to slash emissions as climate science demands. Neither did it provide the countries on the front line, who have contributed least to emissions, with the finance they need to fund climate adaptation and start to repair the massive damage they have experienced as aContinue reading “COP26 was a failure, but we must never give up.”

One year of climate emergency, but Sheffield Council still haven’t sounded the alarm!

In February 2019, one year ago, I presented the Sheffield Council meeting with a petition, pleading with them to declare a climate emergency. This they did, and later agreed to become carbon neutral by 2030. But what has happened to the urgency of this initial declaration? Other cities are making progress.  Sheffield, however, has failedContinue reading “One year of climate emergency, but Sheffield Council still haven’t sounded the alarm!”