Restore Nature Now!

Many Sheffielders joined 80,000 protesters in Central London on Saturday to demand politicians Restore Nature Now. The event remarkably united traditional conservation groups like the National Trust, Wildlife Trust and the RSPB with more radical groups like Extinction Rebellion and Just Stop Oil and something like 300 other organisations, all crying out for policy changesContinue reading “Restore Nature Now!”

The benefits of strong, early action on climate change far outweigh the costs of not acting.

A guest blog by Karine Nohr With the General Election looming, what are political parties saying about the Environmental Crisis? I made the mistake of turning on the radio to hear Farage displaying complete ignorance about the economics of the issue. Nearly 20 years ago the very important Stern Review, released by the UK Treasury.Continue reading “The benefits of strong, early action on climate change far outweigh the costs of not acting.”

This Dirty Water is an election issue.

Great Big Green Week got off to a melodious start on Sunday 9th June with the Sheffield Rivers Ramble and Singing Rally. Organised jointly by the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance and the Sheffield Climate Singers, the event was a celebration of Sheffeld’s Rivers. Three guided walks along the Upper Don, the Five Weirs Walk onContinue reading “This Dirty Water is an election issue.”

Climate breakdown is a vital issue in the General Election.

Extreme weather around the world this week has been horrifying. India’s Capital Delhi hit record temperatures leading to many deaths from heatstroke. There has been major flooding in China and Brazil and Mexico is running out of water due to the extreme drought. In Bangladesh 800 000 people were evacuated as cyclone Remal struck theContinue reading “Climate breakdown is a vital issue in the General Election.”

Plastic-wrapped food? Not if I have a choice!

A guest blog by Karine Nohr Previously, food could not be stored for long periods and so was available only at harvesting times. It was eaten fresh and seasonally, with limited use of preserving methods, such as bottling, fermenting or drying. But now, food preservation includes chemical processing, preservatives and packaging. The development of plastics,Continue reading “Plastic-wrapped food? Not if I have a choice!”

The Coat of Hopes is on its way to Sheffield

Last Saturday I spoke at the Act Now Conference in Acomb, York. ACT Now! for a Better World explored how individuals and churches can work together to create a brighter, greener future. The workshops looked at the range of actions we can take at a local and national level, from effective campaigning to going vegan,Continue reading “The Coat of Hopes is on its way to Sheffield”

Five years since declaring a Climate Emergency, how are Sheffield City Council doing?

I have recently been working with a group of climate activists from various organisations to ask questions of Sheffield City Council to see how they are progressing in the aim to reach Net Zero emissions by 2030. The group included Graham Wroe  Tell the Truth Sheffield Ci Davis Jubilee Movement Sheffield Sam Wakeling Walkley LivingContinue reading “Five years since declaring a Climate Emergency, how are Sheffield City Council doing?”

Everyone deserves to live in a warm home

A guest blog by Lindy Stone, Coordinator of Sheffield Friends of the Earth. For most of us, our lives have become much more comfortable over the past few decades and we had become quite profligate with our energy use – until the current crisis pulled us up short. With sky-high energy bills a reality forContinue reading “Everyone deserves to live in a warm home”