Sheffield Campaign Against Israeli Apartheid camp outside Barclays

Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid sent out this press release Barclays have blood on their hands: Protesters in Sheffield close down Barclays Bank Following their  day camp outside the Town Hall in January, Lena Mussa and Shahar Awadallah and supporters camped for 24 hours outside Barclays Bank this weekend., February 9th and 10th. Barclays immediatelyContinue reading “Sheffield Campaign Against Israeli Apartheid camp outside Barclays”

New Justice Now camp at Town Hall. Don’t buy goods grown on stolen Palestinian land.

Today Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid rallied and marched from Waitrose to Sainsbury’s and then on to the Town Hall where a Ceasefire Now! camp has been set up. Waitrose and Sainsbury’s continue to sell goods grown on land stolen from the Palestinians, such as Dates, Peppers, Hummus and Avacados. Coca-Cola is also part ofContinue reading “New Justice Now camp at Town Hall. Don’t buy goods grown on stolen Palestinian land.”

Protesters take direct action at Waitrose and Marks and Spencer in call for boycott of Israeli Goods.

As the death toll in Gaza exceeded 19,000, Members of the Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid visited Waitrose and Marks and Spencer on Saturday and removed stock from the shelves that had been grown on land stolen from Palestinians. Spokesperson Hils explained to the demonstrators outside that the dates they had removed were Medjool Dates,Continue reading “Protesters take direct action at Waitrose and Marks and Spencer in call for boycott of Israeli Goods.”

Stop the War on Gaza. Stop the Genocide.

There was an amazing rally in Sheffield today calling for a stop to the war on Gaza and an end to the Genocide. The press unfortunately were noticeable by their absence, so here are the highlights.