General Election Hustings

I’ve attended three hustings for the General Election. Thursday’s hustings were by far the most interesting as it was attended by a good cross-section of the candidates from Hallam, Heeley and Central Constituencies. On the panel were Olivia Blake (Labour Hallam), Mick Suter (TUSC Heeley), Alison Teal (Independent, Central), Shaffaq Mohammed (Lib Dem Hallam), IsaacContinue reading “General Election Hustings”

This Dirty Water is an election issue.

Great Big Green Week got off to a melodious start on Sunday 9th June with the Sheffield Rivers Ramble and Singing Rally. Organised jointly by the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance and the Sheffield Climate Singers, the event was a celebration of Sheffeld’s Rivers. Three guided walks along the Upper Don, the Five Weirs Walk onContinue reading “This Dirty Water is an election issue.”