Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!

The Palestine Rally in Sheffield on Saturday covered lots of ground. Here in the home of Football is was fitting that we had a speech from Sarah Choonera about the links between Palestine and Football. Sorry about the picture quality. my camera developed a fault. Here are the links mentioned in the video. You canContinue reading “Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!”

Fourteen brave protesters risk arrest at Sheffield Court to defend juries.

Fourteen very brave protestors risked arrest outside Sheffield Crown Court on Monday, September 25th. It was part of a national campaign to defend our juries. (see for more information). They all held signs reading ‘The right of juries: to give their verdict according to their convictions’. What’s it all about? In the past, someContinue reading “Fourteen brave protesters risk arrest at Sheffield Court to defend juries.”