New Justice Now camp at Town Hall. Don’t buy goods grown on stolen Palestinian land.

Today Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid rallied and marched from Waitrose to Sainsbury’s and then on to the Town Hall where a Ceasefire Now! camp has been set up. Waitrose and Sainsbury’s continue to sell goods grown on land stolen from the Palestinians, such as Dates, Peppers, Hummus and Avacados. Coca-Cola is also part ofContinue reading “New Justice Now camp at Town Hall. Don’t buy goods grown on stolen Palestinian land.”

Palestine and Climate Chaos-how are they related?

On the Now We Rise march for Climate Justice last Saturday there was a massive bloc of people with Palestinian flags. “Are these two things really related?” a friend asked me. Most definitely, I replied!  A recent packed meeting at Sheffield’s Central URC Church examined the many connections between the conflict in Palestine and theContinue reading “Palestine and Climate Chaos-how are they related?”