Israel is not a democratic country

A letter to the Sheffield Star and Telegraph Dear Editor Politicians and journalists who refer to Israel as a democracy are wrong. Actually, Israel is one of the most undemocratic countries in the world and uses a system of Apartheid. Jason Hickel explained this and I have summarised his argument. In South African apartheid, AfricansContinue reading “Israel is not a democratic country”

Palestine and the Local Elections

 Sheffield Coalition against Israeli Apartheid are very disappointed with the Council’s response to their petition.  On Wednesday 6th March the Sheffield Palestine Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid presented a petition signed by over 7,500 Sheffield citizens at a full council meeting. They called on the Council to: On the day the Council refused to debate theContinue reading “Palestine and the Local Elections”

The way to peace is by ending oppression

Cyril Olsen writes in the Sheffield Star(2/11/23) that peace will not be possible in Gaza while Hamas remain. However, carrying out genocide on a civilian population will only lead to the recruitment of more and more people willing to take revenge on Israel. The way to peace is not through more barbarism but by endingContinue reading “The way to peace is by ending oppression”