This Dirty Water is an election issue.

Great Big Green Week got off to a melodious start on Sunday 9th June with the Sheffield Rivers Ramble and Singing Rally. Organised jointly by the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance and the Sheffield Climate Singers, the event was a celebration of Sheffeld’s Rivers. Three guided walks along the Upper Don, the Five Weirs Walk onContinue reading “This Dirty Water is an election issue.”

Can Do Communities  

There’s a ‘can do’ mood developing in lots of communities, across South Yorkshire and elsewhere, as people wonder what they can do to help tackle the climate and nature emergencies.

Creating a climate of hope-Schools Climate Education South Yorkshire Conference

On  Thursday 29th Feb, nearly 200 students and teachers attended the Schools Climate Education South Yorkshire Conference 2024 at Niagara Conference Centre. They gathered from Doncaster, Barnsley, Derbyshire and Sheffield, representing 21 schools and Sheffield  College. Aged from 10 to 18 the students spent most of the day working in small groups with a ClimateContinue reading “Creating a climate of hope-Schools Climate Education South Yorkshire Conference”

5th Anniversary of Sheffield Council declaring a Climate Emergency

Today people from many different climate groups gathered for a rally to mark the 5th Anniversary of Sheffield declaring a Climate Emergency. We sang “Sing for the Climate” and had a die in. Political Parties were asked to explain why the Council had only managed to cut carbon emissions by 3% when, if they hadContinue reading “5th Anniversary of Sheffield Council declaring a Climate Emergency”

Five years since Sheffield declared a Climate Emergency, they still need to act like it.

Wednesday, February 7th will mark the 5th Anniversary of Sheffield declaring a Climate Emergency. Activists from many groups will be gathering for a rally outside at 1 pm and some will be going inside to urge the Council to do more to address the climate and nature emergencies.  I have been working with a groupContinue reading “Five years since Sheffield declared a Climate Emergency, they still need to act like it.”