Sheffield Councillors call for Ceasefire

There was another passionate and emotional rally yesterday outside the Town Hall to demand Councillors call for a ceasefire in Gaza. Inside the Councillors debated the Green Party motion calling for a ceasefire, an end to arms sales to Israel and criticised Keir Starmer for backing the collective punishment of the people of Gaza.

The motion was passed with various amendments. You can see the webcast of the debate here. The amended motion that was supported by all 3 main parties can be downloaded here.

Part of the Green motion was calling out Labour and Lib Dems for agreeing to fly the Israeli flag on the Town Hall. The motion said the council regretted this, which was deleted and replaced with “regret any hurt caused by flying the Israeli flag”. A “Sorry if this offended you” instead of “Sorry”.

Surprisingly the criticism of Keir Starmer was passed by the majority of Councillors. I am very pleased the main call for a ceasefire was passed which was a significant U-turn by Sheffield Labour. Well done to the Labour Councillors who had the guts to stand up and defy their leader.

The Star says Labour resignations are possible. Novara Media reported on the debate here.

Here are videos of some of the speeches outside.

To get involved in the campaign see Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign

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