Palestine, Football, the Arms Trade and Marks and Spencer!

The Palestine Rally in Sheffield on Saturday covered lots of ground. Here in the home of Football is was fitting that we had a speech from Sarah Choonera about the links between Palestine and Football.

Sorry about the picture quality. my camera developed a fault. Here are the links mentioned in the video.

You can follow Palestine Football at

Contact FIFA to call on them to expel the Israel FA here

Follow and send messages to these footballers

Anwar El Ghazi @elghazi1995

Sam Morsey @sammorsey08 Ipswich and Egypt

Bohemians @bfcdublin

Also speaking was Hilary Smith who spoke about the importance of ending arms sales to Israel and the connections many English companies and our own Sheffield University have with the arms trade.

You can read more about the Teledyne factory in West Yorkshire here.

Protesters then went on to Marks and Spencer, where some gathered outside and some went inside. Marks and Spencer continues to sell Israeli Dates, Potatoes and Avacados that have been grown on land stolen from the Palestinians. Find out more about the boycott here.


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