Israeli war crimes must be condemned, just like the war crimes of Hamas.

A letter to the Sheffield Star.

As we wait for impending news of the invasion of Gaza by Israel I despair of our political leaders and media organisations. The recent war crimes of Hamas have been loudly condemned by just about everyone, but the ongoing war crimes carried out by Israel are being supported, both by our military presence in the Mediterranean, our ongoing arms sales to Israel and the lack of condemnation of their war crimes. Denying water, food, medicine and fuel to 2.3 million people is a war crime, especially when half of these people are children. Forcing people to flee their homes when there is nowhere safe for them to go is a war crime. Dropping over 6,000 bombs on one of the most densely populated areas of the world is a war crime. Saying these things does not make me a supporter of Hamas. I detest bloodshed whoever is the perpetrator.

We will not see a solution to this war until the current apartheid system is ended, the blockade on Gaza is removed and Palestinians are given their freedom. Continuing the violence against civilians is likely to increase the growth of terrorist groups in the future as the young people of Gaza seek revenge for what has happened to them. 

I don’t think now is the time for waving flags, except maybe the Peace flag. The Council’s decision to fly the Israeli flag at the Town Hall was extremely misguided and will have been seen by the Palestinian community in Sheffield as support for those who are bombing their families and friends in Gaza. 

Sheffielder and Palestinian activist Musheir El-Farra is currently visiting Gaza with his son and is unable to come home. You can see his videos of what is happening in Gaza on Facebook. Please report what he has to say in your paper. 

Musheir El-Farra reporting from Gaza

Some people in the media have been speaking as if this conflict began with the Hamas atrocities in Israel last weekend. But it has to be said that the conflict has been ongoing for decades. The United Nations states that between 2008 and 2020 there were 5590 Palestinian deaths compared to  251 Israeli deaths due to this conflict. 

Palestinian lives are just as important as Israeli lives. Israeli war crimes must be condemned, just like the war crimes of Hamas.

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