Protesters commemorate Nakba day as Councillors gather for the AGM.

One thought on “Protesters commemorate Nakba day as Councillors gather for the AGM.

  1. This looks like a really great initiative Graham. The name says it all – Tell the Truth. It’s what all of us needs – after being relentlessly lied to by politicians, both blue and red, in recent years. And the truth on Gaza MUST be told. I never thought I would see, in my lifetime, such despicable, cruel, inhumane and cowardly acts as those perpetrated by the Israeli state. After the mass murder of 35,000 Palestinians, the targeting of babies and children, the bulldozing of bodies as if they are garbage and the disgrace of IDF ‘soldiers’ mocking the dead in such disgusting ways, the apartheid Israeli state must be stopped in whatever means we have at our disposal. The Israeli state have committed genocidal crime on a scale and in a manner which stains our humanity in the 21st century. The huge protest matches, actions and encampments across the world are, in contrast, a testament to our humanity, our hope, our freedom. FREE PALESTINE NOW


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