This Dirty Water is an election issue.

Great Big Green Week got off to a melodious start on Sunday 9th June with the Sheffield Rivers Ramble and Singing Rally. Organised jointly by the South Yorkshire Climate Alliance and the Sheffield Climate Singers, the event was a celebration of Sheffeld’s Rivers. Three guided walks along the Upper Don, the Five Weirs Walk onContinue reading “This Dirty Water is an election issue.”

The looming reality of Doncaster-on-Sea

A guest blog by Bryan Hopkins. A few weeks ago I picked up my grandson from school and on the way home he asked me if I knew the names of the rivers that flowed through Sheffield. “Well,” I said, “there is the Sheaf, the Porter, the Rivelin, the Loxley and they all flow intoContinue reading “The looming reality of Doncaster-on-Sea”