2023 was an unprecedented year for the climate, while climate action failed at local, national and international levels. 

The World Meteorological Organisation recently tweeted this graph, saying it gave a new meaning to “off the charts”. 2023 really was the year when the earth’s climate dramatically changed. We are now very close to the 1.5C of global warming that scientists have warned us about for many years, where many feedback loops may startContinue reading ” 2023 was an unprecedented year for the climate, while climate action failed at local, national and international levels. “

COP28. It’s hard to conclude it was anything but an unmitigated disaster.

Now COP has been put to bed for another year here is a quick round up of reactions to the Conference. This is how awful 2023 has been. Bill Mcquire, Climate Scientist and author of Hothouse Earth tweeted Prof Stephan Rahmstorf (Head of Earth System Analysis @ Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research & professorContinue reading “COP28. It’s hard to conclude it was anything but an unmitigated disaster.”

Palestine and Climate Chaos-how are they related?

On the Now We Rise march for Climate Justice last Saturday there was a massive bloc of people with Palestinian flags. “Are these two things really related?” a friend asked me. Most definitely, I replied!  A recent packed meeting at Sheffield’s Central URC Church examined the many connections between the conflict in Palestine and theContinue reading “Palestine and Climate Chaos-how are they related?”

Join the March for Climate Justice tomorrow and support Tell the Truth Sheffield.

Don’t forget to join the March tomorrow! I will be videoing and distributing these leaflets to promote this blog. This week has been an important reminder of why this blog is so important. Locally and nationally the mass media have failed to cover Defend our Juries. The Sheffield Star continues to print letters supporting Israel,Continue reading “Join the March for Climate Justice tomorrow and support Tell the Truth Sheffield.”

The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%

We don’t tend to see many billionaires here in Sheffield. They are more likely to be in their mansions or travelling the world in their private jets or yachts. Their lives are insulated from the struggles of ordinary people, whom they are never likely to meet.  Yet this small number of people has a disproportionateContinue reading “The richest 1% of humanity is responsible for more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%”

Will COP 28 begin to tackle the planetary crisis? We must do our best to ensure they do!

Recent climate statistics have been alarming, even for hardy climate campaigners. Last weekend for the first time, the world temporarily breached 2°C of warming showing worldwide temperatures are continuing to rocket. Greenpeace pointed out that If you made $20 million per year since Jesus was born you would still not make the profit Shell madeContinue reading “Will COP 28 begin to tackle the planetary crisis? We must do our best to ensure they do!”

COP28. Please share the details of the march on December 9th on your social media.

Here are 3 templates for social media to advertise the march on December 9th, organised by the Climate Justice Coalition. Please share these everywhere and make this massive! Template Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn Template TwitterPosts Template Whatsappmessage