I worry about those who aren’t worried!

Here is my reply to the Sheffield Star following a personal attack from Peter Mara.

Graham speaking on the 5th Anniversary of Sheffield Council declaring a Climate Emergency

Dear Editor

I welcome debate about my column and I’m glad that Peter Mara reads it regularly (Star Letters 09.04.24) but it is a shame he chooses to launch a personal attack on me rather than debating the issues.

Peter jests that the Star is sponsored by the Green Party because of my fortnightly column.  I wish the Green Party had enough money to sponsor a newspaper! I’m sure people from other parties would be welcome to make contributions.

My own columns are rarely about the Green Party and in fact, don’t always align with Green Party policy. I receive no payment for them but I am happy to have a platform to help Star readers understand the changes we need to make to avoid catastrophic climate change and the collapse of our society. 

I am very much in the real world and diligently follow climate science, which is routinely ignored by politicians, big business and the media. I am deeply worried about the world my grandchildren will inherit so I am grateful to the Star for letting me communicate these issues.

Climate anxiety isn’t a disorder but a normal, rational reaction to a devastating threat. I think that not being anxious about this threat is an issue we should be concerned about. I worry about those who aren’t worried!

By the way-Peter says I always used to arrive at College by car. Actually, I always walked to college apart from the days when I was required to travel to other locations to teach and assess students, often with a bootload of laptops, which would have been impossible by public transport. 

Graham Wroe

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